B.Sc.-Nutrition & Dietetics

  • Course Level

    Course Level

  • Course Fee (Annual)

    Course Fee (Annual)
    INR 1,74,200
    US $ 3,300

  • Duration

    3 Years

  • Scholarship


B.Sc Nutrition and Dietetics is a course based on a scientific and research based approach for understanding, envisaging and addressing the core of the subject to deal with the emerging health issues of the society. The specific objectives envisioned are in synchronization with PEOs following the core values of customer focus, integrity, innovation, social responsibility, and diversity along with a dedication to evidence-based research and practice. The curriculum of the BSc in Nutrition and Dietetics course is aimed at providing updated knowledge, technical skills and research aptitude to students.

The curriculum exhibits the requisite balance among the fundamental, core and elective subjects. This is to create a student talent pool that can serve the technological needs of the national global industry. Many courses offered at the best BSc in Nutrition and Dietetics colleges in Delhi are focused on global development needs such as Health, Fitness and Sports Nutrition, Statistics and Research methodology, Techniques of Scientific Writing and Capstone project etc. Also subjects like Clinical Internship/Industrial Training, Counseling Techniques in Nutrition, Public Health Nutrition, Therapeutic and Clinical Nutrition are offered to enhance the basic dietetics skills of national and regional needs.





Merit in MRNAT

Marks in Qualifying Exam

Eligibility Criteria

Pass in 10+2 Examination / Equivalent examination with at least 50% marks in aggregate in 5 subjects including English as a compulsory subject along with 3 Science subjects with the highest score out of the remaining subjects.


Programme Highlights

Mandatory Internship for undergraduate students in different organizations

Well-structured curriculum (designed under guidance of experts from Delhi University)

Choice based credit system providing multi-dimensional academic growth through open elective courses of other disciplines

Students presentations on various national platforms like National Chhatra Vishwakarma Award competition, INNOSKILL, Student Anveshan Award, young scientist award and many more

Student orientation for research publications in National and International conference and journals

Internship and job placements opportunities offered with esteemed organizations (DRDO, SAI, PHFI, SHARP NGO, HCL Health care, NFI, Amul, Shikha Sharma’s clinic etc)

Option to complete the course credit count through MOOCS platform

In-house Nutrition and Diet clinic to enhance counseling skills


Career Path

After B.Sc. Nutrition and Dietetics the career path may be chosen as:

  • As a Nutritionist
  • As a Dietitian in a Multispecialty Hospital
  • As a Public Health Nutritionist in NGOs and Social Organizations
  • As a Consultant to Multinational Companies
  • As a Sports Nutritionist
  • As an Expert in Food Supplements
  • As a Research Assistant

Programme Outcomes (PO’s)

The learning outcomes-based curriculum framework is based on the premise that every student and graduate is unique. Each student or graduate has his/her own characteristics in terms of previous learning levels and experiences, life experiences, learning styles and approaches to future career-related actions. The quality, depth and breadth of the learning experiences made available to the students while at the higher education institutions help develop their characteristic attributes. The graduate attributes reflect disciplinary knowledge and understanding, generic skills, including global competencies that all students in different academic fields of study should acquire/attain and demonstrate.

Some of the characteristic attributes that a graduate should demonstrate are as follows:


Critical Thinking

Take informed actions after identifying the assumptions that frame our thinking and actions, checking out the degree to which these assumptions are accurate and valid, and looking at our ideas and decisions (intellectual, organizational, and personal) from different perspectives.


Effective Communication

Speak, read, write and listen clearly in person and through electronic media in English and in one Indian language, and make meaning of the world by connecting people, ideas, books, media and technology.


Social Interaction

Elicit views of others, mediate disagreements and help reach conclusions in group settings.


Effective Citizenship

Demonstrate empathetic social concern and equity centred national development, and the ability to act with an informed awareness of issues and participate in civic life through volunteering.



Recognize different value systems including your own, understand the moral dimensions of your decisions, and accept responsibility for them.


Environment and Sustainability

Understand the issues of environmental contexts and sustainable development.


Self-directed and Life-long Learning

Acquire the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context socio-technological changes


Program Specific Outcomes (PSO’s)

  • Understand the concepts of clinical nutrition, food science and technology, sports nutrition and public health nutrition.
  • Apply theoretical concepts in laboratory setting as per standard methods in the above mentioned areas.
  • Understand the applications of nutritional sciences in dietary interventions in the field of clinical and sport sciences, communication for health promotion, food service management, food science and processing.
  • Acquire skills to undertake systematic research in the areas of Nutrition and Dietetics.
  • Enable students to acquire scientific knowledge of basic sciences and principles of Nutrition and Dietetics.
  • Expressing a broad understanding of clinical nutrition, food science, sports nutrition, public health nutrition and its influence on human health and well- being.
  • Development of skills pertaining to critical analysis, entrepreneurship and communication for career development in the field of nutritional sciences.
  • Enhance practical knowledge in domain of Nutrition and Dietetics for its applications in industry and research.


  • Experiential learning
  • The internship/training program with various hospitals, food industries, research labs, sports organizations etc.
  • State of the art facilities for research, suitable infrastructure including labs (Food Testing lab, Food Science Lab Public Health Nutrition Lab, Sport Nutrition Lab, Biochemistry Lab) and Centre of Excellence (For research in Food, Health and Nutrition Science)
  • Collaborations with renowned national and international organizations
  • Excellent mentoring system for students from entry to campus till placement
  • Additional platforms to complete the credit count through online platforms such as NEPTEL, Coursera


  • DST funding for start-ups with the help of Manav Rachna Innovation and Incubation Center (MRIIC)
  • Students presentations on various national platforms like National Chhatra Vishwakarma Award competition, INNOSKILL, Student Anveshan Award, young scientist award and many more.
  • Student orientation for research publications in National and International conferences and journals.
  • Better internship and placements with organizations like DRDO, SAI, PHFI, SHARP NGO, HCL Health care, NFI, Amul, Shikha Sharma’s clinic etc.
  • In-house Nutrition and Diet clinic to enhance nutrition counseling skills.



It is an integrated and professional program preparing students to work as Nutritionists/Dieticians, public health worker, sport nutritionist and food industry professionals.

Programmes offered by the department are:

  • Undergraduate (UG): B.Sc. Nutrition and Dietetics (Six Semester).
  • Undergraduate (UG): B.Sc. (H) Food Science and Technology (Six Semester)
  • Postgraduate (PG) : M.Sc. Nutrition and Dietetics ( Four Semester) with specialization in clinical nutrition, food science and technology, sports nutrition and public health nutrition.
  • Ph.D.

The fee structure is as follows:

  • B.Sc. (Nutrition and Dietetics): First installment Rupees 1,00,000/-
  • Second Installment: Rupees 59,500/-
  • B.Sc. (H)Food Science and Technology: First installment Rupees 1,00,000/-
  • Second Installment: Rupees 59,500/-
  • M.Sc. (Nutrition and Dietetics): First installment Rupees 1,00,000/-
  • Second Installment: Rupees 59,500/-

Increasing students knowledge and skill in the field of nutrition and dietetics. Understanding of basic nutrition concepts. Developing skills-to make healthy decisions about nutrition. Providing practical information to make reasonable judgments about matters related to nutrition now and in the future.

Representing a happy balance between meeting an educational requirement and learning significant information. Increasing students understanding of how nutrition ‘truths are identified and thus presenting a critical thinking process for making firm decisions about nutrition.

It is based on general aptitude and basic science. The sample paper of MR-NAT is available on university website www.mriirs.edu.in.

Public Sector

  • Public Health Departments
  • International Organizations (UNICEF/ UNDP/ WHO)
  • Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Community Development Programs

Private Sector

  • Multi-National Companies
  • Own Private Practice
  • Food Industry
  • Consultant for Private Companies, Private Hospitals, Airlines and Railways, Hotels, Health Care Centers
  • Quality Food Service Establishments
  • Sports and Fitness Centers
  • Health and Wellness Industries
  • Private Hospitals
  • Airlines and Railways
  • Hotels
  • Counselors in Schools, etc.


  • Universities
  • Colleges
  • Schools

Students were placed in various health care industries like:

  • Sports Authority of India
  • Healthify Me
  • Healthians
  • Azurra Pharmaconutrition
  • Dr. Shikha Sharma Nutrihealth
  • Dr. Lal Path Labs
  • Fitness Yatra, Noida
  • Personal Point
  • Fitness First
  • Escorts Hospital, Faridabad
  • AIIMS Trauma Center, New Delhi
  • Asian Institute of Medical Sciences, Faridabad
  • VLCC Healthcare, Delhi
  • Talwalkars Prime Fitness, Delhi
  • Max Hospital, Saket
  • Paras Hospital, Gurgaon
  • Jaipur Golden Hospital, Delhi
  • PGI, Chandigarh
  • Guardian Lifecare Pvt. Ltd.
  • Nutrilife India Pvt. Ltd
  • Haldirams
  • Taj Group Of Hotels
  • Apollo Hospital
  • Consultant Nutritionist in IBM and Nestle
  • Artemist, Gurgaon
  • RML Hospital, New Delhi

This program provides two month Clinical / Industrial training in various multi specialty hospitals and industries in the B.Sc program. University has tie ups with multi-specialty hospitals/ industries.Tie ups with various International Universities for Student – Faculty Exchange Program Earning while Learning, a unique concept.Health Camps as a CSR activity.Tie ups with industries for research projects.

  • Classroom lecture by faculty
  • Demonstration by faculty
  • Independent work by students guided by faculty
  • Hands-on practical work by students
  • Self-initiated and directed study by students
  • Self-initiated and directed study by students with faculty evaluation
  • Seminar presentation by students with faculty moderation and evaluation by peers

Yes, boys also opt for this professional course. Job prospects are the same as for girls. They are generally more interested to join the corporate sector (e.g. Food manufacturing companies and health centers).

Yes, the University offers scholarship to all students on the basis of marks / CGPA in the qualifying examinations. For more details: www.mriirs.edu.in

The University has well-qualified, experienced faculty for the Nutrition and Dietetics programme. They have practical experience and are experts in the area of Nutrition and Dietetics. Faculties from diverse background of all four specializations namely clinical nutrition, food science and technology, sports nutrition and public health nutrition are part of the Department. They are also actively involved in research and have published extensively in National and International Journals of repute.

Yes, through Corporate Resource Centre (CRC) department organizes campus placement programme for the benefit of qualified nutritionists. CRC provides opportunity to the employers to interact with young aspirants. Various renowned food and healthcare industries are invited for the recruitments.

The candidate will have:

Experience in a variety of areas related to dietetic practice: clinical, community nutrition and food service management; Evidence of characteristics as leadership, self-reliance, initiative, good communication skills (oral and verbal) and academic excellence in nutrition related sciences.

Institute interaction is an important aspect of our curriculum. The Department arranges students visits to different corporate giants like DIPAS, Yakult, Mother Dairy, NDTL, Haldirams, Flight Kitchen, Britania, Nutrasupplement etc. These industrial visits provide hands on practical exposure and help in multi-dimensional development of the students, giving them an edge over others in terms of industrial exposure.

Research Collaboration, scholarships and faculty/student exchange programme with international universities: Tsukuba University, Japan; LahtiUniversity of Applied Sciences, Lahti, Finland, Leeds, U.K.; University Sains, Malaysia, Teesside University, U.K. and University Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia, National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sports Ukraine, CPK Foundation CPK Cahaya Padma Kumara Foundation. Indonesia, and TilawatyAprina Director of Aisyiyah Pontianak Politechnique, Indonesia.

As a part of its corporate social responsibility, the department conducted free health and awareness camps for corporates like NTPC, ONGC, IBM, NESTLE as well as community level, to promote health and wellness on critical issues of concern like cancer, diabetes, hypertension etc.

  • Regular Counseling sessions at departmental OPD
  • Regular health camps outside the university
  • Observance of Health Days: National Nutrition week, World Health Day
  • Doping Control/Medical Officer at Commonwealth Games, Delhi
  • Sports Nutrition counseling during various tournaments and Corporate Cricket Matches

No, we do not.

Yes the candidate will be eligible for it but they have to clear the registered dietician exam conducted by the authorized organization.

The Dietetic Internship Program can be undertaken simultaneously during B.Sc. in reputed hospitals of Delhi NCR. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics is unique to offer internship during Bachelors course itself.

B.Sc. – Nutrition Dietetics (3 year) including:
  • Two month clinical/ industrial training
  • Research Project
  • Exposure of Health Camps on Recent Chronic Diseases
  • Indulged in many National and International Conferences
B.Sc. – (H) Food Science and Technology (3 year) including:
  • 3-month industry training
  • Research Project
  • Various lab visits and industry modules during the programme
M.Sc. – Nutrition Dietetics (2 year) with specialization in:
  • Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Food Science and Technology
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Public Health Nutrition
  • Research work and Projects

The Department is associated with the list of following hospitals at Delhi NCR:
  • Metro Heart Hospital, Faridabad
  • Medanta Medicity Hospital, Gurgaon
  • AIIMS Trauma center, New Delhi
  • ASIAN Hospital, Faridabad
  • PGI, Chandigarh
  • Fortis Escorts, Faridabad
  • Fortis Escorts, New Delhi
  • Sunflag Hospital, Faridabad
  • Primus Hospital, New Delhi
  • VIMHANS Hospital, New Delhi
  • Max Hospital, Saket
  • Paras Hospital, Gurgaon
  • Columbia Asia Hospital, Gurgaon
  • Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon
  • Majidia Hospital, Delhi
  • Jaipur Golden Hospital, Delhi
  • Kalyani- Escorts, Gurgaon
  • Prestigious Health Care Centers
  • Sarvodaya Hospital, Faridabad
  • Holy Family Hospital, Delhi
  • Kailash Hospital, Noida
  • Apollo Hospital, New Delhi

Extension activities are made mandatory for the students to promote Community linkage, Social Responsibility, Interaction with the people and Problem Analyzing and Solving Skills. In Contemporary society, the students are highly ignorant about the problems of the society where they live. Therefore, it is realized that the students must be sensitized about the society and extension activities are made mandatory for them.

The different Practices adopted are:
  • Organizing Health Camps, Awareness camps under Dr. O.P Bhalla Foundation Trust in rural areas.
  • Adoption of Mohna Village for various academic activities, counselling, training workshops, Health and hygiene practices.
  • Organizing camps in association with various organizations like NTPC, ONGC, etc., for the employees of the organization and near vicinity.
Association of the department with Red Cross Society, Rotary Clubs that are functioning in the University .They involve the students in the activities like:
  • Organizing camps like AIDS awareness, de-addiction, Cancer awareness, etc.
  • Participation in Marathon, Walkathon, and Rallies against Drug Addiction, Junk Food, etc.
  • Blood Donation.
  • Collecting sponsors and donations for relief and rehabilitation of people affected by natural calamities.
  • Students' contribution to old age homes by frequent visits, physical and monetary help.
  • Campus Cleaning and Beautification.

The major research thrusts are:
  • Women Health and Nutrition
  • Health Promotion
  • Food Product Development
  • The faculty members have published many international and national papers in reputed journals, and a few faculty members have published chapters in books and edited the books.

Yes, they are active members of Indian Dietetic Association, Nutrition Society of India, The Indian Society for Parentral Enteral Nutrition, Society of Biological Chemists etc. Few of them are members of editorial boards of MR International Journal of Applied Health Science and Joint Secretory-Indian Dietetic Association-Delhi Chapter.

Many students have undertaken several projects at NIFTEM, Saffola India Pvt Ltd, UNICEF, SAI – Bangalore, Tsukuba University -Japan etc.

The faculty has won many awards in oral presentations and poster presentations as President Poster Award, Best Research Proposal Award, Achievers Award, International Travelling Awards and Education Award in different national and international conferences.

Yes, to brush up the students practical knowledge and help ensure their academic enrichment, laboratory experiments, training sessions, workshops, personality development workshops and seminars are conducted all year long such as International Seminar on ‘Contemporary Perspective on Health, National Nutrition Week-Paushtik Aahar Desh Ka Aadhar, Workshop on Food Preservation Processing, Research Methodology etc.

The creativity of the students is kindled by encouraging them to write in the University magazine and publish their project outcomes as research articles in the research journals of our University. Departments send the students to other research organizations like DRDO, NDTL, SAI etc for knowledge sharing during their summer vacation. Students are motivated to participate and present papers in national and international forums.

The department creates a culture of instilling and nurturing creativity and scientific temper among the learners through the following ways:
  • Developing a curriculum that generates scientific awareness among students and provides them with ample opportunities at every step to practically assess and evaluate what they are learning.
  • Incorporating practical training/internship and professional exposure as essential components in curriculum. Students get direct exposure to industrial and manufacturing processes and develop a scientific and technological temper.
  • Designing activities and tasks that assess a student's aptitude for scientific, analytical, and logical thinking and encourage creative thinking, like exhibitions, science projects, expo, etc.
  • Enhancing entrepreneurial skills among students through on-campus activities, like organizing cafeterias and Science exhibitions. Incorporating the component of organizing canteens on campus, as compulsory in the PG curricula.
  • Incorporating the component of primary research through compulsory seminars and research projects/dissertations, in the UG and PG curriculum.
  • Providing increased exposure to global trends through extension lectures, seminars, and conferences.
  • Encouraging students to present papers and posters in various conferences and seminars.
  • Encouraging students to contribute to campus buzz and in-house publications.
  • Organizing year-round activities and sending students to participate in activities like quizzes, dramatics, debates, cultural activities, etc. organized by other universities.

A multidisciplinary field including science, nutrition, bio-chemistry, microbiology and engineering to develop new food products and to improve the quality of foods. The undergraduate degree in Food Science and Technology encompasses the whole educational spectrum of food science and technology. The use of food science in the areas of safe, wholesome and nutritious food, preservation, processing, packaging, distribution, and consumption is known as Food science and technology. Food scientists develop new foods, add value to raw food commodities and improve the quality and safety of foods.

Rs 1,65,000/- per annum in two installments.

The objective of the Food Science and Technology Programme is to give students both practical and theoretical education in the conversion of raw agricultural produce into processed, packaged, shelf-stable food products and intermediate raw materials, various aspects of food preservation, the establishment, maintenance, and assurance of food quality, the design and upkeep of food process machinery, hands-on experience in food industries, food research laboratories that will make students self-reliant/employed upon graduation.

Additionally, the graduate courses aim:

  • To learn and innovate the ideal methods of food preparation, processing, and storage while conserving the nutritive values of food products.
  • To understand the nature and composition of food.
  • To study the changes occurring in food during preparation, processing, and storage.
  • To improve the digestibility of food.
  • To maintain the quality and safety of food.
  • To learn to avoid food wastage and minimize its cost.
  • To understand the meaning of food.

It is based on general aptitude and basic science questions from chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics. The sample paper of MR-NAT is available on university website www.manavrachna.edu.in.

The various job opportunities after pursuing the program are as follows:
  • Food product development
  • Food production and processing
  • Food quality assurance
  • Food safety regulation
  • Work in food industry or manufacturing businesses in the public, corporate, or government sectors
  • Food chemist
  • Food microbiologist
  • Technical sales and marketing
  • Project/product management
  • Supply chain management
  • Packaging scientist
  • Food law enforcement

Additionally, one may launch their own food company/startups.

Students are placed in Food Industry like Wickd Gud Industries with the package of 12.5 lakhs.

Manav Rachna University's B.Sc. (H) Food Science and Technology has forged alliances with regional and global food corporations, as seen by their funding for joint research, scholarships, and prizes. Furthermore, Food Science and Technology provides a customizable curriculum that allows you to tailor your learning paths to your personal tastes alone.

Our main major programme offers a far more extensive curriculum, and as students go through the course, they may explore a greater range of specialized topics within food science, including green separation technologies, food nanotechnology, advanced food science and technology, food packaging.

Types of teaching methods include:
  • Lecture-based instruction
  • Technology-based learning
  • Group learning
  • Individual learning
  • Teacher-Centered Instruction
  • Student-Centered Approach
  • Project-Based Learning
  • Classroom lecture by faculty
  • Demonstration by faculty
  • Hands-on practical work by students
  • Seminar presentation by student with faculty moderation and evaluation by peers

Definitely, boys also opt for this professional course. Job prospects are the same for both girls and boys. They are generally more interested to join the corporate sector (e.g. Food manufacturing companies, Food auditors, Research and development sectors and many more).

The University has well-qualified, experienced faculty for the Food science and Technology programme. They have practical experience and are experts in the area of Food Technology. They earned their degree from the reputed universities and are also actively involved in research and published various research papers in peer reviewed National and International Journals.

Yes, through Corporate Resource Centre (CRC) department organizes campus placement programme for the benefit of qualified nutritionists. CRC provides opportunity to the employers to interact with young aspirants. Various renowned food manufacturing, processing and packaging industries along with the central laboratories for food sample analysis are invited for the recruitments

The candidate will have:

Experience in a variety of areas related to food science practice: Quality Control to Production to Microbiology to Sensory Science to Management Evidence of characteristics as leadership, self-reliance, initiative, good communication skills (oral and verbal) and academic excellence in Food science and technology.

Various Industrial vists are planned in each semester along with the internship in the last year.

The other activities performed by the department are as follows:
  • Skill development courses
  • Yoga, happiness, and wellbeing course
  • Professional competency courses
  • Communication course
  • Workshops conducted within and outside the department
  • Expert talks on the respective subjects related to Food science and technology

The students must opt for NEPTEL and MOOC courses. These courses are compulsory for all the students for completion of their credit requirements.

Yes, Students undergo Mandatory Internship Program in the last year of their degree.

Yes, the University offers scholarship to all students on the basis of marks/CGPA in the qualifying examinations. For more details the students can visit the website www.manavrachna.edu.in.

The study of food properties, degradation mechanisms, and the underlying theories of food processing is food science, which combines engineering, biology, and physical sciences. The use of food science in the areas of safe, wholesome, and nutritious food selection, preservation, processing, packaging, distribution, and consumption is known as Food science and technology.

  • To inculcate in students a broad and balanced knowledge, skills and ethical orientation necessary for excellence as food scientists in industry, academia and public service.
  • To intellectually stimulate a satisfying experience of learning and studying in different aspects of food science and technology.
  • To impart to students the necessary knowledge and skills towards solving theoretical problems in food science and technology.
  • To provide through training and orientation, an appreciation of the rewards of collaborative approach in solving complex food security and other related problems.
  • To promote professional and institutional pride by providing strong support for student programs associated with the most respected professional bodies or organizations.
  • To develop in students, a range of transferable skills that are of value in food science and technology and other related disciplines.

After obtaining a master’s degree in Food science and technology , the following job opportunities are available for such as Food Research Scientist, Packaging Scientist, Flavour Chemist, Food Analytical Chemist, Food Process Engineer, Food Technical Manager, Food Regulatory Specialist, Food Microbiologist, Product Development R&D, Project Management, Food Safety Specialist, Supply Chain Distributor, Market Research Analyst, Sales and Marketing, and Food Quality Assurance/Quality Control.

MRIIRS Food Science programme has forged alliances with regional and global food corporations, as seen by their funding for joint research, scholarships, and prizes. Furthermore, Food Science & Technology provides a customizable curriculum that allows you to tailor your learning paths to your personal tastes alone. Our main major programme offers a far more extensive curriculum, and as students go through the course, they may explore a greater range of specialized topics within food science, including green separation technologies, food nanotechnology, and advanced food science and technology.

Yes, boys also opt for this professional course. Job prospects are the same as for girls. They are generally more interested to join the corporate sector (e.g. Food manufacturing companies and R&D sectors ).

The relationship between industry and institutions is a significant component of our curriculum. The Department arranges field trips for students to many business behemoths, including Flight Kitchen, Britannia, NDRI, DMS, Yakult, Mother Dairy and Tilda rice. These industry tours give the students a practical, hands-on experience and support their multifaceted growth, which gives them a competitive advantage over other students when it comes to industrial exposure.

The following universities are involved in research collaboration, scholarships, and faculty/student exchange programmes: Tsukuba University in Japan; Lahti University of Applied Sciences in Lahti, Finland, Leeds, UK; University Sains in Malaysia; Teesside University in the United Kingdom; National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sports Ukraine; CPK Foundation CPK Cahaya Padma Kumara Foundation. Indonesia; and TilawatyAprina Director of Aisyiyah Pontianak Politechnique, Indonesia.


The Program can be undertaken simultaneously during M.Sc. in reputed food Industries of Delhi NCR. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics is unique to offer internship during Masters Course itself.

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Sector – 43, Aravalli Hills, Delhi – Surajkund Road, Faridabad – 121004, (Haryana), India