About Academics

MRIIRS's educational framework is meticulously crafted to adhere to the contemporary guidelines set forth by the National Education Policy (NEP) and National Credit Framework (NCF). The curriculum places a strong emphasis on outcome-based education, interdisciplinary learning, and adaptability. Through Simulated Teaching Enabled Programmes (STEP), students engage in immersive and practical learning experiences. These programs leverage innovative teaching approaches like case studies, simulations, and project-based learning. By actively involving students in applying theoretical concepts to real-world situations, STEP fosters a dynamic learning environment. Moreover, it ensures exposure to cutting-edge technologies and industry practices, enhancing students' readiness for the evolving demands of various sectors.

NEP 2020 Initiatives

MRIIRS has been always frontrunner in the implementation of policy directives by Government after due deliberations. Following the same trend, following points are in place w.r.t NEP 2020 directives.


Choice based credit system: Before the start of the semester, a student who has already cleared his financial obligations is allowed to register and choose the courses (in consultation with mentor) from the basket of courses including Core-courses, dept-elective-courses, open-elective-courses and MOOCS.

  • The maximum contact hours in a week, for a student are within the range of 22-28 hours out of the available 35 hours. The rest of the time is available with students for participating in extra-curricular/co-curricular activities, library visits, meeting with mentor or self/group learning.
  • The students are given a week’s time at the time of starting of the semester itself to change the electives/open-elective courses.
  • Value added courses for developing the competencies in the chosen areas.

Criteria based, ten-point scale grade point system consisting of O, A+, A, B+, B, C, P, F, A.


A three-year UG program is of 120 credits and four year bachelor program is of 160 credits. A two year post graduate program is of 80 Credits. Provision for an honors degree with additional credits

Four-year non-engineering Bachelor’s degree (Honours) with 160 credits/ (Honours with research)-160 credits, including 12 credits from a research project. This will map to NCRF level 6.

After the four-year UG program, there is an option to complete the one-year PG program in non-engineering-based programs.


Outcome-Based education (OBE). Well-defined Course outcome (CO) and program outcomes (PO) / learning outcomes.

Bridge course for students from diverse backgrounds.

Interdisciplinary courses/Multidisciplinary courses: A wide range of course are available in the form of open electives, where a student has option to acquire knowledge and skills in areas other than their enrolled program

Compulsory internships for all the students: Live projects and internships further provide real-world experience and insights into the industry. The curriculum at MRIIRS also prioritizes the development of transferable skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration, preparing students for success in today's dynamic job market for 21st century.


Policy for Credit transfer for the courses completed from other Universities, NPTEL/ SWAYAM(MOOCs) and Govt. Institutions etc.

Policy for credit transfer and scholarship for the students involved in extended internships, startups and other research based projects based on innovation and university representation of such projects at various levels.

Course on Research Innovation Catalyst and a Course on Design, Thinking and Innovation(DTI) for imbibing the research, innovation, analysis and problem solving skills among students.


Student Induction program for the new entrants as per the UGC guidelines.

Extensive use of technology for various academic processes through an effective Education Management System (EMS) and smart classrooms.

Light but tight regulatory framework to ensure integrity, transparency and resource efficiency at the University level.


Academic Bank of Credit (ABC): As per the Government Mandate the ABC accounts for the students admitted from 2021 have been created. The credit related information of the students is being uploaded on the portal by CoE within a months after the result is declared.

Credit based courses on Yoga and Sports (including physical education), entrepreneurship.

Support for the students with special abilities/needs in terms of policies, processes, and infrastructure. This is available through scribes, special hardware/infrastructure for students with special abilities, and counseling cells.

Recognizing, identifying, and fostering the unique capabilities of each student through vertical mentoring, slow and fast learners, and other academic processes to promote each student’s holistic development in both academic and non-academic spheres.


Continuous faculty development by providing opportunities to participate in FDPs, workshops, conferences etc.

Mitigation of opportunity costs and fees for pursuing higher education through various scholarship schemes.

Institutional development plan for incorporating the various Sustainable Development Goals as mandated by Govt.

Support for students to increase their employability potential through the development of necessary knowledge, skills, and opportunities by CDC and CRC.

Student Internship opportunity with faculty, researchers and non-teaching sections of University.

Implementation of the revised Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course(AECC-Environmental Studies) as per the UGC 2023 mandate.

Inclusion of courses on Universal Human Values(UHV).


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Sector – 43, Aravalli Hills, Delhi – Surajkund Road, Faridabad – 121004, (Haryana), India