New information or novel ideas is the outcome of academic research and can be defined as “Truth” and looking for this truth is the main rationale, The word ‘Academic’ is often interpreted as “to be judged by no other standard than the truth” and hence every researcher is lured to chase new or novel ideas and also be the first to discover the new information in their domain of research.
This traditional research approach is much needed for generation of new knowledge and has educational impacts also as the faculty member during their teaching assignment are bound to disseminate the knowledge gained to their students.
This keeps students abreast the new developments in their fields and leads to enrichment.
For sustainability of Traditional or Academic Research, the faculty members and researchers would be encouraged to follow their research interests with freedom and would be provided resource and services to conduct research and present or publish at different platforms.
Traditional research is now being overturned by the surge of wave of new ideas and values coming from our society. There is a strong expectation from people outside, that the universities should address and suggest solutions to every day issues and problems being faced, with knowledge and research experience of researchers as they are well equipped than public at large.
Even the industries in vicinity look up to university and are open to alliances provided it helps them to cater their interest. This needs extrapolating role of researchers from “lab to land” and undertaking of sponsored research.
The university is committed to support researchers to provide resources, services, visibility and recognition for undertaking sponsored research.
The university shall encourage a faculty member to undertake consultancy and shall be suitably rewarded with part of remuneration received from the consultancy seeker. The consultancy policy of the university will cater to interest of the researcher and the policy would be dynamic to cater to the changing times and nature of consultancy.
It is significant that the researchers engage in creativity. Researchers who are keen observers, think critically and have skeptical attitude are the ones who can think for ideas which have never been previously considered. They also tend not to limit themselves within campus and are very active by nature.
They think very critically about issues around them. They also are willing to step out from the domain of their research and cross boundaries which helps to apply concepts of one field to another and ushers creativity, innovation and knowledge transfer.
The university would facilitate such researchers in its Incubation Centers and provide financial support to nurture their innovations.
The IPR Cell would also support by providing services to protect their innovations and filling patents unto granting stage.
The university believes in conducting applied research too, so as to develop innovative solutions to daunting challenges. It shall enhance creative collaborations with leading research organizations within the country and consortia around the world.
Having connectivity with wider academic community undoubtedly, is an eye opener for a researchers, especially international community can help to ensure that their research is at right track and at the front end.
Conducting collaborative studies is learning in itself and helps researchers to advance their research with common knowledge, further.
It also helps them to seek recognition from fellow researchers. The IEC cell and Dean Research office at the university would leverage the international and national collaborations and disseminate information to all so that researchers can collaborate effectively.
The university shall provide all the necessary resources and logistics for undertaking research activities. It shall provide the required infrastructure for conducting research. It shall make efforts for timely resource mobilization and services that include manpower, purchase and audit, money transfer, expenditure approvals and monitoring for grants received.
It shall provide seed money to initiate research in thrust areas identified by departments of the university and the standard operating procedure is annexed as Annexure B. It shall support faculty members with financial allocations to attend conferences and symposiums to present research paper both at national and international level, as governed by the Policy and Procedures for Faculty and Staff Welfare (MRIU-IQAC-PL-FASW/2016-17).
In research, information comes in varied formats and types of resources are at times formal while others are informal. They are also classified as primary and secondary sources. A researcher needs access to such resources in order to plan research work. At university, Library and computational resources are an integral part of research and provides one on one timely update resource.
The university Library and staff will make efforts to accommodate such needs of researchers and help them to dig information as per their interest and research demand with print resources, digital resources and database subscription, which would be accessible 24X7 through remote digital access.
The university endeavors to develop a ubiquitous research culture by promoting a spirit of inquisitiveness, enquiry and research right from the UG level onwards. Students have to inchoate ideas which need to be worked up to meaningful thought processes. Many 8 enquiries stem in the classroom whose resolution leads to inculcating a research culture amongst the students.
PG and Ph.D. scholars are encouraged to publish research papers in reviewed journals out of their dissertations/thesis. Students of any academic programme are continuously encouraged to engage in the Innovative Centre to extend their thinking beyond classroom and step into a research ecosystem.
A researcher while doing research handles huge data. This might be generated out of experimentation, accessed from a repository, provided by a collaborator etc. Whatever maybe the source, a researcher has to effectively manage the data. Properly protecting research data is a fundamental obligation.
This is grounded in the values of integrity, and commitments to sources of the data. At times a researcher might deal with sensitive data, compliance to contract, data protection and use requirement being responsibility of PI need to be managed properly. The research publications would also be collected at Library Repository for all to access and gain.
A researcher is the one responsible for all aspects of his/her research. It includes compliance to byzantine network of DOs and DONTs, regulations and governing policies. At times the importance is obvious but at other moment it looks like a lot of rules and paperwork.
The university would help the researcher to lighten and demystify these requirements by guiding with “General Research Essentials” communicated from time to time.
It will highlight and clarify the researcher’s key responsibilities, research administration and compliance and identify which responsibilities are specific to the Principal Investigator. The research being conducted also has to be ethical in nature and hence “Ethical Committee” would assist researcher to work as per general ethics for research and bioethics in particular within the limitations as dictated by “National Policy” on Ethical Research.
The university would also implement, and enforce its own research integrity and make arrangements to curb plagiarism amongst authors and is governed by Policy for Maintaining Academic 9 Integrity and Prevention of (MRIU-IQAC-PL-AIPP/2019-20) as per UGC Notification for HEIs.
Recognition and awards lead to an innate motivation, i.e. the enjoyment of the research activity per se, in researcher community. The university will recognize and would identify achievers on their research activities among the faculty members annually, based on the credits earned as per the “Evaluation Pointers”.
This achiever would be given “Manav Rachna Research Excellence Award” on earning highest credits (Annexure A).
The recipient of award would be facilitated with a citation and memento at the very start of the year. Additionally, faculty members would be given incentives for excelling in research activities annually based on credits earned beyond minimum points/credits as per their level.
The researcher for his/her research publications in peer reviewed journal (Quartile 1 to Quartile 4) has to earn 25% weightage. Also, a student would be facilitated by “Gold Medal” and citation at the time of convocation; who demonstrates good research aptitude and flavor reflected from his/her research publications in peer reviewed journals as per the standard operating procedure annexed as Annexure C.