The university operates on a semester system with a Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), allowing students the flexibility to select courses from various fields and study at their preferred pace. The examination procedure comprises ongoing internal assessment and final end-semester exams. Internal assessment involves faculty-conducted assignments, quizzes, presentations, and projects throughout the semester. End-semester exams occur at the conclusion of each semester. Additionally, the university offers makeup exams for students unable to take the regular exam due to unavoidable circumstances.
Furthermore, the university provides opportunities for students to improve their performance through revaluation of answer scripts and improvement exams. The revaluation process is carried out by an independent team of evaluators, and the improvement exams are conducted for students who wish to improve their grades.
The examination system at Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies is designed to assess students' knowledge and skills in a fair and transparent manner and provide opportunities for improvement.