Research Policies and SOPs

MRIIRS Policy for Promotion of Research, Innovation and Incubation

In pursuance of the provisions of Section 26 of the Bye Laws of Manav Rachna International Institute of Research And Studies, the Board of Management of the Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies hereby makes the following policy for Research Eco System in the University.


  • “Academic Integrity” is the intellectual honesty in proposing, performing and reporting any activity, which leads to the creation of intellectual property
  • “Author” includes a student or a faculty or a researcher or staff of Higher Educational Institution (HEI) who claims to be the creator of the work under consideration
  • “UGC” means the University Grants Commission as defined in the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.
  • "Common Knowledge" means a well known fact, quote, figure or information that is known to most of the people
  • “Faculty” refers to a person who is teaching and/or guiding students enrolled in an HEI in any capacity whatsoever i.e. regular, ad-hoc, guest, temporary, visiting etc
  • “Higher Educational Institution (HEI)” means a university recognized under section 2(f) of the UGC Act, 1956 or an institution deemed to be university under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 or an affiliating college / institution or a constituent unit of a university;
  • "Information" includes data, message, text, images, sound, voice, codes, computer programs, software and databases or microfilm or computer generated microfiche;
  • “Notification” means a notification published in the Official Gazette and the expression “notify” with its cognate meanings and grammatical variation shall be construed accordingly.
  • “Plagiarism” means the practice of taking someone else’s work or idea and passing them as one’s own.
  • “Researcher” refers to a person conducting academic / scientific research in HEIs.
  • “Student” means a person duly admitted and pursuing a programme of study including a research programme to which this Ordinance is applicable.
  • “Academic Programme/ Programme” means programme of study leading to a PhD, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Diploma, Certificate etc. It means cohesive arrangement of courses, co-curricular and extracurricular activities to accomplish predetermined objectives leading to the awarding of a degree.
  • “IQAC” means Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the University.
  • “RPG – AC” means Research Promotion Group with its Advisory Council.
  • “RPG- GC” means Research Promotion Group with its Governing Council.
  • “Statutory bodies” means Board of Studies at the department level, Board of Faculty at Faculty level and Academic Council of the University
  • “University” means Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies (Deemed to be University).


Research is a fundamental activity of a university, with teaching being other side of the same coin. It mainly relates and focuses on generation of new knowledge. Researchers in pursuit of intellect show strong desire in chasing novel ideas as being more attractive than merely conducting research and investing efforts to solve a problem or create a product. However, in current scenario and recent years, practicality of research is under public radar and knowledge transfer is now in vogue. Universities are now increasingly trying to meet expectations of society, external ecosystem and surroundings.

Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad (MRIIRS), believes in touching and transforming every life through academically sound, intellectually inspiring and supportive environment which ushers innovative, academic and applied research within and cross-domain disciplines. It is committed to promote research and development activities by establishing a vibrant research ecosystem that encourages faculty members and students to dedicate themselves in pursuit of new knowledge, truth and innovation, to enhance teaching learning experience, serve the society and be good human being. This policy is a framework which will motivate and inspire all researchers to conduct research with freedom and with a level of methodical objectivity and integrity.


  • To motivate faculty members and students to undertake research and innovation.
  • To energize faculty members and students for publication of their research outcomes.
  • To enthuse faculty members to get involved in consultancy.
  • To inspire faculty members for sponsored research projects.
  • To stimulate faculty members to indulge in collaborative and multidisciplinary research projects.
  • To encourage faculty members to delve into case studies on a specific subject or topics of concern/interest.
  • To motivate the faculty members for creating, protecting and leveraging Intellectual Property and its commercialization.
  • To foster passion with openness, flexibility and freedom of thoughts for research in students at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels and build research culture.
  • To bring about national, international collaborations and partnerships with academia and industry through multi-, trans-disciplinary research leading to creation of knowledge sharing platform and global visibility.
  • To conduct ethical research and for the benefit of society.
  • To motivate faculty to raise the research level culminating in getting grants from Government bodies and industry; and
  • To get recognition for outstanding research from regularity bodies.

Research Incentives And Awards

Recognition and awards lead to an innate motivation, i.e. the enjoyment of the research activity per se, in researcher community. The university will recognize and would identify achievers on their research activities among the faculty members annually, based on the credits earned as per the “Evaluation Pointers”.

This achiever would be given “Manav Rachna Research Excellence Award” on earning highest credits (Annexure A). The recipient of award would be facilitated with a citation and memento at the very start of the year. Additionally, faculty members would be given incentives for excelling in research activities annually based on credits earned beyond minimum points/credits as per their level.


The researcher for his/her research publications in peer reviewed journal (Quartile 1 to Quartile 4) has to earn 25% weightage. Also, a student would be facilitated by “Gold Medal” and citation at the time of convocation; who demonstrates good research aptitude and flavor reflected from his/her research publications in peer reviewed journals as per the standard operating procedure annexed as Annexure C.

Research Review, Regulation And Management

In the university, the overall regulation and review of research activities may be conducted and coordinated by “Research Promotion Group” (RPG).
The RPG-Advisory Council (RPG-AC) would be leveraging multi-and trans-disciplinary research and academia-industry collaboration at national and international platforms.

The RPG-Governing Council (RPG-GC) under direct supervision of the Vice-Chancellor of the university along with Dean Research , associated Research Directors and IOAC would be responsible for overall functioning, sharing of relevant opportunities, awareness about potential funding or extra-mural funding and facilitation of resources to conduct effective research at campus. The cohesiveness and positivity to be imbibed amongs researchers would be such that research is the way of life rather than simply a mundane job

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Sector – 43, Aravalli Hills, Delhi – Surajkund Road, Faridabad – 121004, (Haryana), India