Manav Rachna Educational Institutions lay special emphasis on Extra / Co Curricular Activities which is taken care by Students Welfare. It is a student care and supervision center that serves as a liaison between students and administration. Students Welfare closely works with students across all years to provide leadership, social, extracurricular and academic counseling programmes. It endeavors to develop the personality of the student in all spheres of life which it undertakes through various student- oriented programmes. It believes that given an opportunity, it will bring out the hidden talent of the students. It aims at promoting extra – curricular and developmental activities among students by identifying talented and interested students in the areas of Music, Dance, Literature, Fashion, Arts, Social Responsibility, Theatre, Photography, Health etc. and thereafter, nurturing their individual talent and giving them a supportive environment to plan and execute various activities in the said areas, thus making a major contribution towards their holistic development.
Students Welfare also work very closely with Accredited Bodies like AICTE and UGC for the programmes like Unnat Bharat Abhiyan , Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat ,Swacch Bharat Abhiyan Swachatta Pakhwada , FIT India Movement and many social initiatives like Anti ragging seminars ,Human Rights Road Safety week and many more .It also shoulder responsibility towards society by active participation , awareness and creating mass movement for various social issues in association with National Service Scheme , Red Cross , Paryavaran Sanrakshan Gatividhi as well as very closely work with SPIC MACAY Manav Rachna Chapter – a Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Cultural amongst Youth.
As a part of co-curricular activity Students Welfare shares the responsibility of educational tours organized by various teaching departments. A large number of workshops and courses like, Youth Leadership Training Camps, Value-based Spiritual Course, Personality Development Camp, Youth Parliament, Students Talent Hunt, Documentary, Literary, Photography, Festivals celebration, Treasure Hunt, Talent Competitions for Faculty and Staff, Film and Book reviews, Debates and Declamations, Folk Dance competitions, etc. are organized. Annual Cultural Fest RESURRECTION consisting of many events of Music, Dance, Theatre, Literary, Fine Arts and Fashion is also organized during an academic session which aims in promoting rich culture and heritage of the country based on different folk dance and singing competitions of different states. For students, it is a great way to understand the rich heritage of India and learn about the importance of various festivals. Along with enthusiasm and fun for the activities, qualities like sensitivity, creativity and togetherness are also inculcated in the student which truly enhances the joy and happiness of celebrating festivals.
Social Responsibility drives, Anti ragging seminars, Road Safety week, Street Plays, photography competitions, workshops and National Festivals like Independence Day, Republic Day are celebrated with patriotic fervor, year after year. A Techno- Management Fest, especially designed for the students of Engineering, Management and other technical Institutions, is also organized in association with various faculties of the University. National Festivals like Independence Day, Republic Day are celebrated with patriotic fervor, year after year to promote ethics and values amongst students and faculty members. Celebrating festivals has become an integral part of learning and building a strong cultural belief. Other National festivals like lohri, Holi , Baisakshi , Dusshera ,Diwali , Navratri ,Christmas Day, Teachers day ,Ekta Diwas , Matrabhasha Diwas , International Yoga Day , International Women’s Day are celebrated with full zeal and enthusiasm which ties all students and faculty members from almost every religion, caste and community together.
Celebrating these National and International Festivals brings together students and also provides an opportunity to learn more about different culture with many reasons to rejoice . Students get to learn about different festivals, the reason for the celebration and its significance. It not only provides an opportunity for students to respect but also provides them an opportunity to participate in events that are not their own. Participating in these festivals ensures that students get to showcase their talent and are exposed to the essence of festivals in various ways through street play , folk dance , poetry , declamation , singing , group discussions ,fashion etc which promotes harmony among different sections of students, bridging the linguistic and regional barriers. This aims at promoting extra-curricular and developmental activities among students by identifying their talented and nurturing their individual talent and giving them a supportive environment to plan and execute various activities and thus making a major contribution towards their holistic development.
Dean Students Welfare
Dy. Director, Students Welfare
Manager, Students
Office Executive, Students Welfare
Student Co-ordinator, Student Welfare
Fostering Sustainability across all Stakeholders is one of the best practices implemented in MRIIRS. Manav Rachna Student Societies have an important role in the integration of sustainable practices through co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. MRIIRS students being the members and leaders of different Student Societies and CLANS are actively working towards the Sustainable Development Goals as defined by the UN. Primarily, the purpose of the student-led Eco Society IDHIKA is engaged with all Sustainability related activities, otherwise, all other societies are also contributing towards Sustainability.
Eco Society IDHIKa is responsible for organizing activities like environment related youth parliament, youth forums in association with Dr. O.P Bhalla Foundation (an ISR arm of MRIIRS), Unnat Bharath Abhyan, SAP (Swachatha Action Plan), Paryavaran Sanrakshan Gatividhi. It also undertakes activities on Waste management, Water Conservation, Energy Conservation and many more. The Society participates actively in advocacy for eco awareness across campuses, rural and urban areas. It works in liaison with different departments to form ecological partnerships. Details of all Student Societies at MRIIRS
This group covers activities like solo singing, duet singing, group singing, jugalbandi, battle of bands, folk music, sufi, classical, western music, instrumentals, parody, jamming, music festivals, etc. Surtarang uses the immense power of music in promoting human development, relationships, and strong social connections within the campus and in the community.
This troupe covers activities like solo dance, duet dance, group dance, western (salsa, jazz, street etc.), traditional, folk dance competitions, dance festivals, etc. Mridaksh aims to expand social and cultural interaction, and provide an overall community feeling of good health, well-being and togetherness. It motivates its members to harness their abundant energies to worthwhile objectives.
This forum covers activities like debate & declamation, MUN, youth parliament, quiz & GK, poetry, article writing, book reviews, film reviews, essay writing, news & views, literary festivals, TV anchoring & news reporting, panel discussions, story making & telling competitions etc. Noosha not just trains its members to conceive ways that the individual can relate to society but also to be more in sync with the way human cognition works. It also helps members to not just understand what it tells but methods of how to express it. The members are enabled to analyze the interfacing of the social, economic and the ecological as they work on different forms of literature.
This club covers activities like sketching, painting, clay modeling, pottery, cartoon making, caricature making, tattoo making, sculpture making, Rangoli making, festival of arts, Origami, art festivals etc. The society is not only creating visually engaging work, but also thinking through complex social issues within their art practices. The Society also prepares its members to effectively enhance creativity and sustainable health.
This troupe covers Covering activities like nukkad nataks, drama, skits, standup comedy, mono acting, mimicry etc. The influence of drama upon development of thought and society has always been immaculate. Paigam targets cultural innovation, artistic values, and protection and promotion of heritage and values commitments. Paigam promotes sustainable interventions, learning and motivation for behaviour change which eventually leads to social cohesion, self-esteem, cognitive skills and community mood.
This group covers activities like hairstyling, beauty contests, ramp walks, best dress, crazy caps, fashion shows, display/ tablo competition, fancy dress, character display (based on an era, writings), etc. Aaira helps develop committed members to fully integrate sustainability goals into all its activities. The Society members understand how all the elements of the fashion business model and supply chain affect people and planet as they research, practice and develop events and activities.
This cluster covers activities like photography, film making, videography, photo walks, workshops, theme based photography, exhibitions, etc. Along with learning photographic techniques and exploring creative perceptions, the members are motivated to be agents of change and are expected to lead efforts to translate this vision into reality.
This team covers areas like social responsibility of Environment, Anti-ragging awareness, Health & Hygiene, Sustainable development, Education for all, Computers for all, language enhancement for housewives, Education for labor kids etc. Completely organised by the NSS wing, both students and teachers through their combined participation in social service, get a sense of involvement in the tasks of National Development. From serving the under privileged to community outreach, the NSS society is involved in diverse contributions towards building Sustainable Communities.
Society responsible for organizing activities like environment related youth parliament, youth forums in association with Dr. O.P Bhalla Foundation, Unnat Bharath Abhyan, SAP (Swachatha Action Plan), Paryavaran Sanrakshan Gatividhi. It also undertakes activities on Waste management, Water Conservation, Energy Conservation and many more. The Society participates actively in advocacy for eco awareness across campuses, rural and urban areas. It works in liaison with different departments to form ecological partnerships.
Overclock the eGaming Society is an opportunity for students to socialize and have fun together based on their hobby of playing video games. Students have an avenue to play multi and single player games, and spend time discussing gaming strategies and preferences. Overclock addresses inclusivity concerns, and ensures ethical game development practices. By acknowledging and tackling these hurdles, the Society actively contributes towards sustainable development while creating an engaging and all-encompassing gaming community, contributing to digital empowerment.
Manav Rachna’s Spicmacay chapter promotes various aspects of Indian cultural heritage by promoting Indian classical music, classical dance, folk music, yoga, meditation, crafts and other aspects of Indian culture. Some of the activities include: FEST series, VIRASAT series, National Conventions for students and teachers, Music in the Park, the SPIC MACAY Scholarship Programme, heritage walks, talks by eminent thinkers and Yoga camps.