Graduation Requirements:
(i) Minimum Credits: The total credit requirement for the award of the B.Tech degree shall be around 160. Candidates shall have to earn the minimum credits as per the Program Structure, to be eligible for the award of degree. These credits should be earned under different categories as follows:
A student shall register and earn credits for:
Students shall also pass all mandatory courses, audit courses and shall fulfill any other requirement as prescribed by the Department from time to time.
(ii) Credits Earned at Different Universities / Institutes:
Credits earned by a student through coursework / project work / internship at other Institutions /Industry / Organization in India or abroad shall be counted towards total credit earned by the student for award of degree. This shall be facilitated with the approval of the Dean Academics on the recommendations of the respective department.
Nothing in this regulation shall be deemed to preclude the University from amending the regulation and the amended regulation, if any, shall apply prospectively and from the date as specified in the regulation.