More than 50 students have attained certifications from Coursera, Udemy and Linkedin Learning.
For AY 2022-23, 5 student publications have been done.
2 Students of ECE became the National Winners of Microsoft Imagine Cup 2023 for their project named Visioneo.
Project Mittvani was selected as top 100 projects in India International science festival (2023) for display at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology , Bhopal.
Team of 2 Students from 4th Sem ECE won Blogothon Competition in Innoskill 2023
Team of 4 Students from 4th Sem ECE won Build a Circuit Competition in Innoskill 2023
Team of 2 Students from 6th Sem ECE won the Srijan Competition in Innoskill 2023.
Team of 3 students from 4th and 6th Sem won the regional Finals of Anveshan 2023.