Awards and Recognitions


Kartik Shekhar and Anuvart Kumar from 6th Sem ECE are the National Winners of Microsoft Imagine Cup for the Year 2023.

TechNiche (Annual fest IIT Guwahati), 2017: Team Devdutt, Ishlok, Dhruv & Sujeet bagged 3rd position in National Robotics Competition.

Intel Higher Education Challenge 2017: 3rd year students of ECE emerged as National Winners bagging 2nd position for their project LOTO- Lock Out Tag Out (Minimizes risk of electrical shocks in Industries)

Microsoft Imagine Cup 2018: Team ECE (Devdutt, Ishlok, Dhruv,Shubhi) emerged as National Finalist for designing non-invasive tool to detect TB.


Team Techkins from MRIIRS won first prize in IESA Makethon Awards 2018 held at Bangalore on 27.2.18 and 29.2.18. The team members were Devdutt, Ishlok, Dhruv of 6 th sem ECE and Shubhi Saxena of 2nd Sem ECE.

Ishlok Vashisht of 7th Sem participated in Accenture Innovation Jockey: The finals of this Prestigious Competition was held on 23rd October, 2018 at Bangalore. His team won the Jury’s Choice Award for their Project VET (Virtual Exposure Therapy). The students got gifts worth Rs 50,000/- individually.

Mr. Ishlok Vashishta and Ms. Shubhi Saxena of 7th Semester and 3rd Semester respectively participated in the Regional Convention of 2nd AICTE-ECI-ISTE Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards 2018 on 13th Nov, 2018 with their project Titchy.


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