Vertical Machining Centre(VMC) is one of the versatile machines used in mechanical engineering. This machine is used for milling, surfacing and complex profile cutting on the metals. One of the most prominent use of VMC is fabrication of composite by mixing of reinforced particles in the metal which is also a most demanding area in the field research in material engineering.
Milling machine is used for surfacing to produce finish products. Milling machine can also be used to drill hole in the metals. Mixing of reinforced particles in the metals (Al, Cu, Mg) can also be with the help of milling machine.
Furnaces are used for melting of the materials at higher temperature. Main use of the furnace is heat treatment of the material. After Heat treatment mechanical properties such as hardness, toughness, brittleness etc enhance and these material can be used in automobile and defence sectors.
The prime stakeholders of RCC are the students. The aim is to give hands-on practical experience through live industry projects, training students on advanced technologies, research publications, patents and encouraging students towards Competitive platforms under the supervision of the RCC faculty team.
Altair (NASDAQ:ALTR) is a US based global technology company providing solutions in Product Development, High Performance Computing, Data Intelligence and Cloud Computing. DesignTech Systems is a CAD/CAM/CAE, PLM and Engineering Services Company in India. They have seven offices across the world including USA and Canada.
Different modules available are HyperMesh, OptiStruct, SimLab, SimSolid, HyperLife, Activate, AcuSolve, Compose, Feko, Flux, HyperStudy, Inspire, Inspire Cast, Inspire Form, MotionSolve, NanoFluidX, Radioss, UltraFluidX, ElectroFlo, Embed, ESAComp, Evolve, FluxMotor, HyperCrash, HyperGraph, HyperView, Inspire3DPrint, NVHDirector, CAEFatigueVibration.
3-D printer is one of advance technology in the field of mechanical engineering. 3 D printer is used to print any 3 D model by using PLA(Polylactic Acid) material. 3 D printing is a part of additive manufacturing.