Dr. Mamta Arora received Young Researcher Award, 2022, STEM Research Society, 2022-2023
Dr. Manpreet Kaur was awarded with a Special Mention-Best IEEE Branch Counsellor Award by IEEE Delhi Section in the session 2021-22
Dr. Manpreet Kaur was awarded with Honorary Women In Engineering Recognition by IEEE Delhi Section in session 2021-22
Dr. Manpreet Kaur received Certificate of Appreciation as a SPOC for SWAYAM-NPTEL Local Chapter from Jan-Dec 2021
Dr. Hardeo Kumar Thakur was awarded with a Reviewer Certificate by IET Communications on 14 March 2022
Dr. Mrinal Pandey was awarded with an appreciation Letter for AI Grand Challenge (Organized by Telangana Govt & Nasscom, 2021) as a mentor for CDAC Kolkata team (Winners, AI Grand Challenge for Use Case: Real-Time Price Prediction 2021 CDAC Kolkata)
Dr. Sanjay Singh was awarded Certificate of Appreciation for Leading Android Educator Program by Google Developers in session 2020-21
Dr. Manpreet Kaur received Certificate of Appreciation as a SPOC for SWAYAM-NPTEL Local Chapter in Jan-Apr 2020
Ms. Gunjan Chandwani was awarded with the Best Paper of the Conference in the 5th International Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies in 2022-23
Ms. Gunjan Chandwani received a Certificate of Appreciation for Leading Android Educator Program Google Developers 2022-23
Ms. Chandni Magoo received appreciation for mentoring students of Manav Rachna for the international Exchange program between Manav Rachna University Students, India & Seikei Univ. Students, Japan (EAGLE), Oracle, Japan, 2022-2023
Ms. Anu Priya Sharma was awarded with I2OR National Elite Teacher Award 2022 by International Institute of Organized Research on 5 Sept, 2022
Ms. Gunjan Chandwani was awarded with a Certificate of Appreciation for Leading Android Educator Program Google Developers 2021-22
Ms. Gunjan Chandwani was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for Leading Android Educator Program Google Developers in session 2020-21
IIMT Engineering College Meerut in Collaboration with Life Way Tech India, Alwar Rajasthan, India awarded Best Paper Award in ICETMSD 2020 to Dr. Riya Sapra on 26-27 May, 2020
Ms. Anu Priya Sharma was awarded Certificate of Mentor at Smart India Hackathon 2020, MHRD on 1-3 Aug, 2020
Ram Chatterjee and Dr. Hardeo Kumar Thakur were awarded Best Paper of the Conference award in the 4th International Conference on Soft Computing: Theories and Applications held at NIT, Patna from 27-29 Dec, 2019