Engage With Us

The Department of Sciences believes in creating a vibrant environment for research. We have faculty members actively engaged in theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of research in their respective fields, and also cutting across disciplines.
  • 50k+

    Research grant genertaed from Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)

  • 2M

    Genertaed from Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

The department has continued to expand its research base over the years, with an increasing number of collaborations across various national and international institutions, and setting up its own University Instrumentation Centre (IUC).


In addition, the Department houses a dedicated 10 node parallel cluster, with quad-core processors, that can be used for advanced multidisciplinary research.

Research project approvals by various bodies such as the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, DST Haryana and SERB-DST, Govt. of India (click here for details) , have been further envisaged to accelerate the research output of this relatively young department.

The university in addition encourages its employees and scholars to advance their career in research by providing appropriate incentives, as updated from time to time.

Contact Us

Icon location ADDRESS

Sector – 43, Aravalli Hills, Delhi – Surajkund Road, Faridabad – 121004, (Haryana), India