Research Group Summary
With the external ecosystem having undergone a transition from VUCA to a BANI (Brittle, Anxious, Non-linear & Incomprehensible) world, it becomes imperative for companies to renovate before they can innovate. Companies need to relook at their internal competencies and processes to ensure long-term value creation to ensure sustainable competitive advantage. Hence business enterprises essentially will need to have a two pronged objective of delivering superior value to the concerned target segment and get an equitable return on the value delivered by practising Customer Value Management.
Hence with the above context focusing on business health and productivity takes centre stage to the long term growth of the organisation.
One of the key priority areas of the CBHS shall be to consult the sales teams or the street warriors to craft a superior value proposition which ensures maximum profitability for the organization being represented by the client. The role of the salesperson thus changes from being a mere seller to being a knowledge broker, consultant and a value merchant.
Customer value has always been a critical component when dealing with business enterprises. Researchers and scholars in recent times have studied the concept of customer value and its components in depth for enhanced conceptual clarity.
It is seen that whenever a client sees value explicitly, they tend to lower their resistance levels and the seller finds it easier to justify the investment with rational justification.
Hence collaboration and co-operation is required at each step between both the stakeholders for value co-creation paradigm.
Creating shared value enables customer acquisition & retention, cost savings, differentiation from competitors, enhanced equation with stakeholders, positive reputation, access to funding opportunities, attracting and maintaining a motivated workforce and enhancing influence in the industry.
Dr. Amit Seth
“Challenges before Management-In downturn and recession” in an International Conference on “Recent Trends in Business, Management & IT” organized by Pune College of Art, Sciences and Commerce on 22nd March 2010.
“Remarketing in the era of Emerging Challenges for Sustainable Business” in National Conference on “Emerging Challenges for Sustainable Business” on dtd 1-2 June 2012 organized by IIT Roorkee, ISBN: 978-93-81583-46-3 Page 93
Amit Seth, Chhavi Goel, Impact of Spirituality on the Employees Behavior, Anvashek-A bi-annual journal, Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research (Indexed in UGC Care -Group-1), ISSN:0378-4658, Vol. 51 No.01, January-June 2021, Page: 166-172
Sonia Kalra, Dr. Amit Seth, and Ms. Poonam Rani, Nexus between Corporate Sustainability and Financial Performance-A Theoretical Outlook, Indexed in UGC Care, ISSN No. 2229-5348, Published in Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship, Volume 16, Number 3, July-September 2022, Page 52-65
Under the aegis of the National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India got funding (2018-19) of Rs. 10.30 Lakhs for conducting various Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp, Entrepreneurship Development Program, Women Entrepreneurship Development Program, Technology based Entrepreneurship Development Program and Faculty Development Program.
Got University impaneled under National Entrepreneurship Resource and Co-ordination Hub (National E-Hub), Pradhan Mantri Yuva Yojna for Rs. 9.20 Lakhs funding
Got AICTE funding of Rs. 8 Lakhs for EDC (Entrepreneurship Development Cell) project and being Mentor and Guide for the EDC cell conducting various Workshops and events.
Dr Amit Seth
R. Gera, P. Chadha, (2021). “Systematic review of artificial intelligence in higher education (2000-2020) and future research directions”, University of South Florida M3 Center Publishing, 2021. Vol. 4, pp. 1–12. DOI: 10.5038/9781955833042.
R. Gera, P. Chadha & S. Alavi. (2021). “A Comprehensive Synthesis of Theories of Mobile Shopping Adoption and Narrative Review”, International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning (IJCBPL).Vol. 11(2), 52-74. (ISSN: 2155-7136) DOI: 10.4018/IJCBPL.2021040104 (Indexed in Scopus).
R. Gera, P. Chadha, (2021) “Antecedents of Indian Green Consumer Purchase Intentions and Behavior: A Review and Future Research Directions”, Int. Journal. Management Practices. Vol. 14, No. 4, 485-518. (ISSN: 1477- 9064). DOI: 10.1504/IJMP.2021.116580 (Indexed in Scopus).
R. Gera, P. Chadha, & V. Ahuja, (2020). “Mobile app usage and adoption: a literature review”, International Journal of Electronic Business. Vol. 15(2), 160-195. (ISSN: 1470- 6067). DOI: 10.1504/IJEB.2020.106546 (Indexed in Scopus).
P. Chadha, S. Alavi, & V. Ahuja. (2017). “Mobile Shopping Apps: Functionalities, Consumer Adoption, and Usage”, International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning (IJCBPL). Vol. 7(4), 40-55. (ISSN: 2155-7136). DOI: 10.4018/IJCBPL.2017100104 (Indexed in Scopus).