Initiatives & Innovative Practices

Faculties members of Mechanical Engineering department have enrolled themselves in various Faculty development programme, Short Term Courses, MOOC Courses,

Membership from renowned bodies like IEI, IIF, Quality Circles to strengthen the knowledge and make new contacts for more initiative towards experiential learning and real time issues for students.

Faculty members are guiding and motivating students for more practical learning through in-depth knowledge of topics. for this, different VAC Courses have been initiated by the department like Introduction to MATLAB, Energy Conservation and Management, Advanced Fluid Engineering, Introduction to Tribology and Quality Control Techniques.

Faculty members are constantly guiding and helping students to complete their project work, Internships and encouraging them.

Faculty members are constantly guiding and helping students to complete their project work, Internships and encouraging them. The various initiatives and innovative practices undertaken by the Department of Mechanical Engineering includes Value added Courses, innovative teaching - learning experiences, problem based and experiential learning and continuous assessment.


Value - added Courses

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a wide range of Value added Courses (VAC) covering all the domains of Mechanical Engineering. The time duration of these VACs is around 30 Hours in a semester. An average of 50 students enrolled in the VAC from different departments of other faculties.

The list of VACs offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering includes:

  • Introduction to Tribology
  • Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
  • Renewable Energy Resources

Teaching Learning

The teaching learning process involves:

  • Preparation of Academic Calendar of MRIIRS.
  • Course Titles allocation as per the choices provided by the faculty members depending upon their domain of specializations.
  • A specific consideration is given while preparing the Timetable of every faculty member with relaxation between the lectures.
  • Academic Planning and Delivery:
    • Preparation of Course Coordinator Files.
    • Lecture Plan/ Lab Plan mapped with Student Centric Teaching Learning Methodologies.
    • Lecture notes/ PPTs.
    • Assignments/ Tutorial Sheets mapped with COs (Course Outcome) and BTL (Bloom Taxonomy Level).
    • Incorporation of ICT based tools and open education resources for course delivery.
    • Industrial Visits/ Field Visits
    • Continuous Monitoring and Feedback


Both the UG and PG courses have a continuous assessment system, in which

  • Theory courses include Sessional Examinations (02 per semester), Continuous Class Performance and Assignments (mapped with COs and BTLs).
  • Laboratory courses include Continuous Assessment of VIVA Voce and Practical Performance. With every assessment, RUBRICS are also measured, which are mapped with COs.
  • The assessment of Departmental Projects and Industrial Trainings include Continuous Internal Assessment, Supervisor’s Assessment and RUBRICS.

Contact Us

Icon location ADDRESS

Sector – 43, Aravalli Hills, Delhi – Surajkund Road, Faridabad – 121004, (Haryana), India