Not aiming to provide best academic knowledge to the students, the Department of Civil Engineering focuses on doing consultation / project works in collaboration with different Government / Private Organisations.
Also, for the holistic development of the students, the faculty members motivates and supports the students to participate in Co - curricular activities and Extra - curricular activities.
The Department of Civil Engineering undertook a CPCB sponsored project “Delhi air quality experiment A paradigm shift in source apportionment” worth 527.31 Lakhs.
The Department of Civil Engineering bagged a project from DST on “Communicating Science through Model Water & Eco-health Clinic for Quality of Life” sanction worth 22.61 lakhs.
The Department of Civil Engineering organized ATAL sponsored FDP and successfully conducted it titled as “Contemporary advances towards Sustainable Infrastructure”.
The Department of Civil Engineering, in association with the Department of Applied Sciences, organized an online International Conference titled “Metamorphosis of Engineering Sciences towards Sustainable Smart Cities”.
Several Consultancy with Government Organisations in areas of Structural Assessment and Survey were taken up by the faculty members of the department.
Students of M. Tech (Transportation Engineering) undertook the Faridabad Smart City Limited project titled “Storm water Management”.
Students showcase their talent and bagged 1st Position under four different categories in Innoskills 2022.
In Innoskills 2023, students bagged 1st position in three different competitions.