Value Added courses offerd by Department of Applied Psychlology.
Psychological First Aid
Basic of Mindfulness
Childhood Neurodevlopmental disorders
Understading Mental Disorderders
Conflict Management in Organizations
Introduction to psychology of groups behaviour Teaching Learing-Student centric teaching learning Methodologies-
Experiential Learning
Participative Learning
Problem Solving Learning
Teaching learning process-
Classrooms are well equipped with respect to ICT tool.
The Department has 6 classrooms, 1 Psychology lab (Manoshala), 1 Counselling and wellness centre Manovriti and a shared computer lab.
All faculty members have access to computer, laptop, printer and software such as Google Meet, Google Documents and spreadsheet.
Access to Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) a software by IBM for Statistical analysis. Students in final year are also provided specialized training to use softwa