Expert Lecture Series on Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy at MRU

An expert lecture series on Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy was organized by Chemistry Department for Faculty of Chemistry and M.Sc. (Chemistry) students at Manav Rachna University, Faridabad.

Dr. A. S. Sarpal, Former General Manager (R&D), Indian Oil R&D Centre, Faridabad facilitated the lecture series. He has more than 40 years of experience in NMR Spectroscopy with over 135 research papers Publications in peer reviewed journals. He was recently bestowed with Wolff-Kishner Research Award in Analytical Chemistry for the year 2015, an Award of Excellence, by International Agency of Standards and Rating, USA.

He illustrated the differences between Proton NMR and C-13 NMR in a very simple manner. He elaborated the information derived from these analytical techniques and the latest advancements that had taken place in their instrumentation. Lot of emphasis was given on problem solving exercises and NMR spectra interpretation.

He covered Broad Band Decoupling, Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE), Relaxation Effects, DEPT Spectral Editing Techniques and 2DNMR in great details. On the last day, he emphasized on the fact that NMR Spectroscopy is a powerful technique with applications in almost all fields like medical diagnostics, pharmaceutical industry, pollution control, petroleum & petrochemicals, agriculture and food industry.
Students and faculty of Chemistry got a very good exposure of this powerful tool and appreciated the efforts made by the management for engaging the industry expert for this complex subject. The expert, Dr. Sarpal made the subject very interesting and simple for the students as well as for the faculty.