Big Butterfly Month 2020

India harbors around 1400 species of butterflies and are one of the 17 mega diverse nations of the world. The Big Butterfly Month in the month of September is a celebration of butterflies aimed at creating nation-wide awareness and survey about these beautiful winged wonders of the world!

In order to celebrate ‘the Big Butterfly Month’ the department of chemistry at Manav Rachna University organized a webinar on ‘Let’s Take a Peek into the intimate World of these Winged Jewels’ in association with BNHS and NNOX on 14 September 2020.

Mr. Abhishek Gulshan (a Naturalist, Nature Educator and Birdwatcher and the founder of the Nature, Education and Awareness Initiative ‘NINOX’), the esteemed speaker highlighted various stages of the lifecycle of the butterflies, the defense mechanisms adopted by them, and the ways by which we can attract the butterflies to our backyards. It was indeed a very interesting and informative and inspiring session.