World Clinical Laser Institute Associate Fellowship Certification Course
The World Clinical Laser Institute Associate Fellowship Certification Course, hosted by Manav Rachna Centre for Dental Excellence (MRCDE) from October 17th to 19th, 2023, marked a significant milestone in advancing dental education. Under the astute leadership of Dr. Ashish Kakar, the Director of MRCDE, and his proficient team, the three-day event provided participants from across Delhi NCR with a comprehensive learning experience.
Featured Sessions with Esteemed Speakers
Dr. Nikhil Deshpande: Renowned implantologist and Laser specialist from Mumbai, Dr. Deshpande shared invaluable insights into the fundamentals of hard tissue Laser in dentistry. His engaging lecture, enriched with fundamental concepts and clinical demonstrations, offered participants a profound understanding.
Dr. Gaurav Jain: Leading oral surgeon from Delhi, Dr. Jain addressed the critical topic of LASER SAFETY in dental practice. Through a live clinical demonstration on patients, he facilitated an immersive learning experience for all participants.
Dr. S. Sarvana Kumar: Pediatric Dentist with fellowships from WCLI (USA) and esteemed diplomas, Dr. Kumar shed light on laser-assisted pediatric dentistry. His discourse explored effective strategies for managing challenging pediatric cases using Laser technology.
Dr. Ashish Kakar: Principal speaker and center director, Dr. Kakar provided a comprehensive overview of the physics associated with various types of lasers in dentistry. Guiding students through insightful case studies, he empowered them to understand the selection of lasers and their settings tailored to individual patient needs.
Additionally, Clinical demonstrations by Dr. Gaurav Jain, Dr. Nikhil Deshpande, and Dr. Ashish Kakar addressed diverse clinical scenarios.
Course Highlights
The course received widespread acclaim from participants who found immense value in the detailed clinical demonstrations and interactive sessions. Our dedicated students showcased their commitment to academic excellence by submitting detailed research papers on their assigned topics. Dr. Ashish Kakar and Dr. Kanupriya Kakar conducted a reinforcing refresher course to enhance the participants’ learning experience.
WCLI also conducted the associate fellow certification examination to attest participants’ expertise. Dr. Pankaj Dhawan, Centre Head, expressed gratitude to the enthusiastic participants and acknowledged the support of dignitaries. The event, graced by Prof. Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Vice Chancellor of MRIIRS, witnessed the conferral of certificates to all the participants, accompanied by heartfelt best wishes for their promising future endeavors. This event not only underscored MRCDE’s commitment to excellence in dental education but also represented a collaborative leap forward in advancing the frontiers of laser dentistry.
Guest Faculty Dr. Nikhil Deshpande & Dr. Gaurav Jain with the Participants