Selection for MIT USA Virtual Reality Hackathon

Manav Rachna Students make it to Virtual Reality Hackathon!!

Students from Manav Rachna Innovation and Incubation Centre- Ishlok Vashistha and Amrit Kaur Choudhary have been selected for Virtual Reality Hackathon to be held from January 17 – 21, 2019 at the MIT Media Lab, in Cambridge MA, USA. Bringing together the interdisciplinary minds, the hackathon will give a wonderful opportunity to our students to explore the application of virtual reality and augmented reality technologies for building new experiences. They will get a chance to interact with the professionals from the industry.

There will be workshops geared towards experienced and first-time hackers, as well as a strong group of mentors available to assist the participants during the hackathon.

On the last day of the event, an Insider Expo will be organized.

The winner will take home the glistening prize of $30K in cash along with the product prizes.