“The School of Management, MRU organized an AD-MAD-SHOW for the BBA & MBA students wherein a product/Service/Brand was given in advance, and the students presented an advertisement for the same in a team of 5-6. Students were creative in their presentations and came up with some super interesting and hilarious advertisement ideas. Dr. Chand Saini and Dr. Pooja Kapoor judged the event and awarded the best two teams. The team that stood first had 5 students- Saksham Mittal, Abhijit, Chirag, Shivika, and Chestha who advertised a fast food brand creatively. The team that secured the second position also had 5 members- Navya, Aastha, Sakshi, Jalaj, and Feanshu who marketed an itch relief cream most innovatively and hilariously. Dr. Parul Jhajharia, Dean Department, appreciated the students’ efforts and active participation. Ayush Tyagi coordinated the event from BBA Semester 3 under the guidance of Ms. Srishti Bathla.