High-quality academic submissions at PRISM Conference 2024 will be considered for publication in:
Leading (Scopus/WoS/ABDC/UGC Care Indexed) journals, including:
1. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (SCOPUS indexed)
2. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (SCOPUS indexed)
3. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development (SCOPUS indexed)
4. International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation (Inderscience Peer Reviewed Journal)
5. Review of Management Literature (Emerald Publishing) (SCOPUS indexed)
6. Electronic Commerce Research (ABDC-A listed)
7. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets (ABDC-B listed)
8. Journal of Organizational Behavior Education (JOBE) (SCOPUS indexed)- TBC*
9. Mudra Journal of Finance and Accounting
10. Manthan: Journal of Commerce and Management
Selected Manuscripts will be considered for publication in an indexed edited book.
Conference Proceedings (Book of Abstracts) with ISBN
TBC* - To be confirmed
*To be submitted for SCOPUS indexing based on paper quality and step-wise review process;