Special lecture on “Investor Relations Communications” by Dr. Samir Kapur

A special lecture was delivered on “Investor Relations Communications” by Dr. Samir Kapur, Senior Vice President, Adfactors to students of BAJMC and MAJMC at the Faculty of Media Studies and Humanities (FMeH). The objective of the lecture was to give students an overview of investor relations and its importance. He talked about the market and essentially about how to communicate with the stakeholders and shareholders. He paid stress on the fact that investors are interested in marketing activity. “Investors will look at how you have added value to your brand and how strong you are in your consumer’s mind” he said.
Talking about the communication challenges, he told how organizations handle crisis situations. He talked about marketing strategies and how brands should work. Dr. Kapur also talked about how to target different audiences on different platforms and discussed the difference between Public Relations and Advertising. Citing the examples of Dominos and Zomato, he explained how just a single mistake can become a huge crisis situation and told the students how these brands managed it. He also discussed the difference between the Red Ocean and the Blue Ocean of the market and how investors react to these. “A PR person has the responsibility to sustain and enhance the image of the firm and it is the most paying and creative field,” he said.