Paper Presentation at Tokyo Summit II
Paper Presentation at Tokyo Summit II: 2nd International Conference on Innovative Studies of Contemporary Sciences
Ms. Ridhima Nehra, student of M.Sc. Mathematics, Manav Rachna University, presented the paper entitled “Comparison of Image Denoising using Wavelet Transform and Wavelet Packet Transform” in “Tokyo Summit II: 2nd International Conference on Innovative Studies of Contemporary Sciences” held on 17th & 19th August 2020, in Tokyo, Japan.
Ms. Ridhi Bhatnagar, student of M.Sc. Mathematics III Sem, Manav Rachna University, presented the paper entitled “Image Processing using Multiscale Transform: A Review” in “Tokyo Summit II: 2nd International Conference on Innovative Studies of Contemporary Sciences” held on 17th & 19th August 2020, at Tokyo, Japan.
Mr. Rajkumar, a student of M.Sc. Mathematics III Sem, Manav Rachna University, presented the paper entitled “A Literature Review of Linear Programming Problems: Based on Case” in “Tokyo Summit II: 2nd International Conference on Innovative Studies of Contemporary Sciences” held on 17th & 19th August 2020, in Tokyo, Japan.