Positive Thinking A way to look forward

14 Apr 2020

It is wisely said, as far as you are feeling pain, you are still alive, as far as you are committing mistakes, you are still a human being, and as far as, you are thinking positive and right, there is still a hope.

Positive Thinking gives strength to one's belief that good will happen in future, situation will change and efforts put by a person will surely be crowned with success. Positive thinking is nothing but a feeling which diametrically opposes negative thinking which is being fearful, apprehensive and unsure of being successful in one's own effort. It is based on optimism, hope and one's own belief that efforts will never be wasted. The vision of achieving set targets or objectives and the feeling of glory and appreciation associated and linked with it propels the person to work with full spirit and enthusiasm so that no stone will left unturned to achieve success. It helps the person to overcome in difficult or worse situations that are looming large at the moment.

It is said that a serious person finds the path to come out of the worse or difficult situation but an idler always ready with an excuse. The only difference between both the personalities is the power of thinking associated with it, one is with the attitude of being hopeful but other is without any hope. Life is a bed of roses and cactus too, where each person faces the difficult situation too. If one becomes fearful about the results then feeling of frustration, irritation enters in his mind and hinders his normal ways of working and putting efforts. In the present times when everyone by choice or force is in the lead of competition, nothing is given by the world on a platter. So those who do not put efforts get lost in the crowd of idlers and rest move with high spirit. Losers only suffer at the last and repent. Power of positivity helps in creativity and makes us to think in a different and innovative manner. It also helps in transforming virtual images into reality. Positive mindset helps the person to seek happiness, good health irrespective of any situation. Many successful people believe that it is a tool to achieve success in both personal and professional life. Believing in true power of positivity helps you to fight with today's popular problems like stress. It promotes confidence and increase the level of self esteem which makes you work independently believing on your own set of skills.

Hope sustains life is an old and time tested adage which actually accentuates the concept of positive thinking.

Written By:- Prof. Shilpa Arora, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management Studies, MRIIRS

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