Indo-UK workshop

Dr. Jaya Tuteja from Department of Chemistry, Manav Rachna University has been selected as a young early career researcher to present a paper in “Indo-UK workshop on Green Chemistry for Societal Needs: Healthcare, Pollution and Circular Economies” which is being organized under the Researcher Links scheme offered within the Newton Bhabha Fund, the British Council, the University of York and the University of Delhi  with the specific aims of:

·        Developing modes of collaboration in green and sustainable chemistry

·        Tackling global grand challenges in bioenergy, climate, and environmental impacts, food and water security, and health.

There were 49 participants (25 from India and 24 from the UK) selected as “young early career researcher” for the workshop which was further divided into 7 groups. Travel and accommodation expenses were covered by the Newton Bhabha Fund Researcher Links program for Early Career Researchers from the UK or India. 

The workshop aimed to challenge researchers to transcend traditional scientific boundaries so that they become more aware of interdisciplinary needs that can translate to global needs. Long-term benefits and impact will be the creation of micro and macro-circular economies. Besides, early-career researchers will gain immediate benefit through mutual understanding of each other’s expertise, needs, and challenges.