Faculty Development Programme organized by Department of Physics, FET

Superconductors—special metals that can conduct electrical current with no loss of energy—could one day have a monumental impact on the efficient transmission of power in the world. They could also lead to great innovations in medical imaging, drug analysis, and even telecommunications.  Today, superconductivity is an extremely active field of research which includes solving the original mechanism, creating new superconductors, and finding yet new applications in medical (magnetic resonance imaging and biotechnical engineering),  electronics (SQUIDs,  transistors, Josephson Junction devices,  circuitry connections, particle accelerators and sensors), Industrial (separation, magnets, sensors and transducers), Power Generation (Motors, Generators, Energy Storage, Transmission, Fusion, Transformers and Inductors) and Transportation (Magnetically levitated vehicles and Marine propulsion).

As part of the Departmental FDP, a video lecture series has been initiated by Dr. Devi Singh, Head, Department of Physics, to enhance teaching-learning processes and to encourage faculty members to learn new things through video lectures and exchange their views and ideas with each other.

The first video lecture was held on 29-12-2016 on the topic “Superconductivity – Perfect Electrical Conductivity and Perfect Diamagnetism” by Prof. G. Rangrajan. The video lecture was downloaded from the repository of NPTEL, IIT Madras. The Session was attended by 25 faculty members from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Engineering Departments. These lectures will also be shared with the students to enhance the classroom teaching learning process.