Examination & Assessment

At Manav Rachna University, examinations are conducted following a fair and transparent process to evaluate students' knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.

The university follows a semester system with Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) that provides flexibility for students to choose courses from different areas and learn at their own pace.

The examination process includes continuous internal assessment and end-semester examinations. The internal assessment includes assignments, quizzes, presentations, and projects conducted by the faculty during the semester, and the end-semester examination is conducted at the end of each semester. The university also conducts makeup examinations for students who have missed the regular examination due to unavoidable circumstances.

Furthermore, the university provides opportunities for students to improve their performance through revaluation of answer scripts and improvement exams. The revaluation process is carried out by an independent team of evaluators, and the improvement exams are conducted for students who wish to improve their grades.

The examination system at Manav Rachna University is designed to assess students' knowledge and skills in a fair and transparent manner and provide opportunities for improvement.

Mode of Assessment

  • The evaluation is carried out by assessing the student in the middle of the semester and at the end of the semester. The weightage for mid-semester and end-term examinations is assigned around 20% and 50% respectively. The final evaluation should consist of continuous assessment followed throughout the semester for which the weightage should be around 30%
  • The continuous assessment consisting of around 30% may include a quiz, assignment, problem-solving, class participation, projects, seminars, presentations, term papers etc as decided by the respective Board of Studies.
  • The Mid-Term examination for courses taught in conventional mode shall be conducted by the faculty members who are teaching the course under the supervision of the concerned Head of Department. The end-term (summative) examinations shall be conducted by the Examination Sections under the supervision of the Controller of Examination and shall have a weightage of 50% marks. These examinations shall be held on dates as specified in the Academic Calendar.
  • The subjects that require the application of knowledge, problem-based solutions, critical thinking, innovations etc. which require a different assessment scheme of students' learning and course outcomes may be evaluated using different forms of assessment having pre-decided rubrics as decided by their respective Board of Studies. It is also important to mention that a stereotypical format of question papers (Like Multiple 2 Marks, 5 Marks etc) may not be appropriate for a particular discipline for evaluating learning outcomes of the specific subject.
  • For a subject taught in PBL or any other mode, the specific rubric for achieving the desired outcomes be prepared by faculty/ school/ department and must be duly approved by the Board of Studies. The responsibility for its implementation in letter and spirit shall be of the concerned subject faculty member. The HODs are required to monitor the adherence to these in order to maintain quality and transparency.

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Sector – 43, Aravalli Hills, Delhi – Surajkund Road, Faridabad – 121004, (Haryana), India